Watch the video: Technical exhibition "EEPIR", July, 5-6, 2023, Moscow, World Trade Center
17 июля 2023 07:16The technical exhibition “EEPIR” that supplements the VIII International scientific and technical conference “Development and reliability improvement of distribution network” has become an part of the discussion, the venue for meeting of the representatives of grid companies, resource-producing companies with the manufacturers of innovative technical solutions.
The exposition of the Technical exhibition “EEPIR” included 58 exhibitors.
Among over 1000 visitors of the Technical exhibition “EEPIR” were the top managers and the specialists from the ministries and the field-specific departments, ROSSETI Group of companies, the power enterprises of CIS countries, the local grid companies, the large industrial and resource-producing companies that hold numerous grid assets and the employees of the field-specific institutes, the research companies and the representatives of the field-specific associations.
The conference is organized with the support of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation by the Rosseti Group of Companies and the “ELECTRIC POWER. Transmission and distribution” journal.
Assistance in holding the conference is provided by: JSK “UNECO”, EPC CIS, MPEI, ESI SB RAS, ERA of Russia Association.
General partner: Group of companies “Tavrida Electric”.
Official partners: Encore Engineering, Forenergo, Holding Company “Energorazvitie”, LLC “NPC “Avtopribor”, LLC “ENELT Group”, JSC “System Electric”.
Partners: Eastenergyservice, Group of companies “Armatech”, PLC Technology, Thermoelectrika, LLC “Energotek”, MNPP “ANTRAKS”, LLC “Prosoft-Systems”, LLC “TEMZ”, LLC “Energoplast”, JSC “GC “ELECTROSHIELD” – TM Samara”.