Work begins on the VII International Scientific and Technical Conference "Development and Reliability Improvement of Distribution Networks"
13 июля 2022 12:43The VII International Scientific and Technical Conference "Development and Reliability Improvement of Distribution Networks" started its work on July, 13, World Trade Center, Moscow. The Conference is organized by ROSSETI PJSC, the largest electric company in the world and “ELECTRIC POWER. Transmission and Distribution” journal, a specialized periodical scientific and technical publication for power grid experts. The event is supported by CIS Electric Power Council, National Research University MPEI, Melentiev Energy Systems Institute, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Conference partners are JSC UNECO, Tavrida Electric Group of companies, Association ERA Rossii, Encore Engineering, Promenergo, Forenergo, POLYPLASTIC group and EastEnergyService company.
In 2022, despite foreign policy complications and numerous restrictive sanctions, the conference has still become a truly international event, bringing together 745 leaders and experts of power grid complex from more than 200 organizations representing 13 countries. Compared to the previous year, the number of conference participants increased by more than 80%.
The event is broadcast in two languages: Russian and English. Online attendance for international speakers who, due to certain circumstances, are not able to take part in the conference in person, is provided continuously. Foreign listeners have the opportunity to ask questions through remote instant messaging services. All the questions are voiced by the conference moderator immediately after the corresponding presentation.
As the official start of the conference, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation Evgeny Grabchak addressed the participants with a welcoming speech. He noted that the key task in the development of the distribution complex is to ensure reliable operation and uninterrupted power supply to consumers, since it is distribution grids that are the indicator of the entire electric power industry operation in the eyes of the majority of the Russian citizens. Evgeny Petrovich noted that power grid complex mainly demonstrates high reliability and stability, and it is necessary to intensify work connected with distribution networks renewal. Large electric grid companies are undertaking some actions in this direction, and the Ministry of Energy contributes to this significant process by coordinating programs to improve reliability. At the same time, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Energy emphasized that it is necessary not only to perform repairs, but also to introduce new managerial systems aimed at improving the quality of power supply and minimize the restoring time in case of violations. Evgeny Grabchak also reminded power grid consolidation and local networks reduction due to their malfunctioning, unqualified personnel, lack of emergency stock, equipment and investment resources are essential issues to be discussed. In the target model, by 2025, every region should possess 2-4 grid organizations. This will provide competitive environment, and ensure necessary knowledge and skill acquisition, and most importantly, increase the quality of power grid complex operation. Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Energy also noted the elimination of ownerless power grids and the need for their operational power. In conclusion of his welcoming speech, Evgeny Grabchak said that everyone looks forward to the development of innovative ideas and rationalization proposals as a result of conference work to improve reliability and quality of power supply to consumers, which would subsequently be implemented in the activities of the distribution power grid complex.
This year the conference is attended by a large delegation from the Republic of Belarus (25 participants). In her welcoming speech, Olga Prudnikova, Deputy Minister of Energy of the Republic of Belarus, spoke about the main directions and features of the development of the Republic of Belarus energy system. The Government of the Republic is implementing a set of motivational measures in the field of technical and tariff regulation aimed at using electrical energy as the main source for settlement development. In its turn, the country's power grid companies are focused on the development and implementation of programs to improve the reliability of the power grid complex. Special priority is given to measures that ensure reliability during adverse weather and climate conditions, natural disasters and processes, taking into account the presence of common borders between overhead line glades and forest lands. In addition to this, programs aimed at improving the manufacturability of electric grid facilities and digitalization of technological processes are being actively implemented. At the end of her speech, Olga Prudnikova noted the high similarity of the goals and tasks facing the distribution electric networks of Russia and Belarus and expressed confidence in the need to expand cooperation between organizations of the two countries to improve the efficiency of implemented solutions.
On behalf of all conference organizers, Andrey Mayorov, First Deputy General Director – Chief Engineer of PJSC ROSSETI welcomed the participants of the VII International Conference “Development and Reliability Improvement of Distribution Networks”. He noted that in the modern world, distribution networks are a key infrastructure that provides electricity to the population and socially significant facilities, ensures the development of small businesses, and the implementation of investment projects. At the same time, it is the distribution complex that is mostly exposed to negative natural phenomena that create risks of technological disturbances. Therefore, the primary task is to search for new technologies and organizational solutions to increase the reliability of distribution networks by enhancing fault tolerance, rapid detection and localization of damage, fast restoration of consumer power, and immediate emergency recovery work.
At the conference, 19 reports from ROSSETI experts are due to be presented, each on practical steps to solve a huge set of tasks. Experts from the CIS countries, China, Cuba, the United Arab Emirates, and Malaysia share their views on the conference agenda. An active discussion and opinion exchange is expected to be of great relevance to the development of distribution networks in all countries, as noted by Andrei Mayorov.
Nikolai Rogalev, Rector of National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, made a welcoming speech in the format of a video message. He noted the great importance of the issues discussed for the development of the industry and the annually increasing number and professionalism of the participants. The Conference is aimed at solving extremely important tasks for the functioning of the country's economy and for improving citizens’ well-being.
Arkady Zamoskovny, President of the Energy Employers’ Association “ERA of Energy”, noted a direct relationship between the skill level of employees of electric grid enterprises and the main indicators of electric networks reliability. Emphasizing the need for constant work with the personnel and an objective assessment of employees’ qualifications, Arkady Viktorovich spoke about the possibilities of using Federal Law-238 "On independent assessment of qualifications" for monitoring the level of training needed to be performed for distribution networks.
Roman Kutasin, Deputy Head of the Department of State Energy Supervision of Rostekhnadzor, emphasized the high importance of modern technologies in ensuring reliable operation of electric grid facilities and safe working conditions for employees of electric grid enterprises. It is necessary to actively introduce modern means of diagnosing the technical condition of electric grid facilities, competent decision-making on the formation and implementation of repair and technical re-equipment programs. Even more important is the development and implementation of a set of measures aimed at improving the safety of work in electrical networks.
The conference including 50 reports is held in parallel with a technical exhibition, where the largest manufacturers of equipment and materials for electrical distribution networks will present new inventions for more effective work and cooperation among the companies of the industry, as well as new solutions within the framework of the import substitution task
“ELECTRIC POWER. Transmission and Distribution” journal highlights the main conference events. The most interesting materials and decisions of the conference are going to be published in the upcoming issues.
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